[wp-hackers] WordCamp London?

Peter Westwood peter.westwood at ftwr.co.uk
Tue Mar 18 22:19:22 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Tony Scott wrote:
| Been looking at the upcoming WordCamp Dallas
| http://dallas.wordcamp.org/
| I'm not aware of a WordCamp taking place in the UK - I've had a look
| http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2008/01/29/what-is-wordcamp/
| to check.
| Pehaps someone on the hackers or testers list could clarify if there's
been such a gathering in the UK?

There has not been a WordCamp in the UK (yet).

| If not would a WordCamp London be a good idea?
| I propose London as a venue due to transport links, accomodation etc
but would be open to an alternative UK location.
| If there is interest I'd be happy to take part in the organisation of
such an event.
| What does everyone think?

WordCamp London / UK sounds like a really good idea and being uk based
is something I would be happy to be involved in - you might even
persuade me to do a talk or something if your lucky.

My personal thoughts on location would be for somewhere that has a good
selection of reasonably priced accommodation and good transport links.
Personally I would recommend trying to stay outside central London as it
can be expensive and maybe picking another large city as the base.

- --
Peter Westwood
http://blog.ftwr.co.uk | http://westi.wordpress.com
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