[wp-hackers] wp-comments-post.php & file upload problem

Beth Cleaver cleavere at bellsouth.net
Mon Feb 25 22:46:54 GMT 2008

Thanks, Otto--it's working now.  The theme I was using had the popup 
comments script enabled, and that was at least a minor part of the 
problem.  Fixing the Wordpress address did the trick!  :)


Beth Cleaver wrote on 2/25/2008 4:13 PM:
> That DID fix the upload issue, though.
> (Getting booted out of the admin panel was no problem; I just logged 
> back in.)
> Beth
> http://bamapachyderm.com
> Beth Cleaver wrote on 2/25/2008 4:11 PM:
>> Okay, I did that.  I got booted out of the admin panel when I did it, 
>> and when I went to try to post a comment, the same thing happened 
>> (wp-comments-post.php issue).
>> Beth
>> http://bamapachyderm.com
>> Otto wrote on 2/25/2008 2:36 PM:
>>> Why are you setting the WordPress address to
>>> http://bamapachyderm.com/mccainblogs.com/ ? Try setting it to just
>>> http://mccainblogs.com/ .
>>> The only reason that the Blog Address and the WordPress address need
>>> to ever be different is when the wordpress root and the actual
>>> wp-includes and such are in different locations. If WordPress is
>>> installed wholly in one directory, then both of those should be the
>>> same.
>>> On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 11:50 AM, Beth Cleaver 
>>> <cleavere at bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>  Y'all are my last hope of figuring this problem out.
>>>>  I have a blog (linked at the eom) on 2.3.3, and everything is fine 
>>>> with
>>>>  it.  I got an add-on domain the other day and after a lot of
>>>>  hair-pulling, I finally got WP installed on the same server 
>>>> account as
>>>>  my regular blog (related wp forum thread here
>>>>  <http://wordpress.org/support/topic/158528?replies=3>).  Yay, right?
>>>>  Eh, not quite.
>>>>  The add-on domain/blog URL is http://mccainblogs.com/ (don't 
>>>> heckle me
>>>>  pls) and the location is /public_html/mccainblogs.com/(wordpress 
>>>> files);
>>>>  in the options the wordpress address is set as
>>>>  http://bamapachyderm.com/mccainblogs.com.  (That's just background
>>>>  information, I guess.)
>>>>  *
>>>>  My problem*:  I can't comment on mccainblogs.com; I get the dreaded
>>>>  blank screen stuck on wp-comments-post.php, no redirect to the 
>>>> original
>>>>  post, and no comment gets posted.  I've seen this issue in the WP 
>>>> forums
>>>>  and elsewhere around the internets, but I can't find a solution that
>>>>  applies even closely enough to help me figure it out.  I'm not 
>>>> hosted on
>>>>  Yahoo or IIS or any of those places, I'm hosted at Blogs-About (with
>>>>  Lisa Sabin).  I *have* turned off all plugins and tried the default
>>>>  theme, and the same thing happens with comments.  When I tried
>>>>  commenting using IE, I saw that it's giving a 405 error. (!)
>>>>  *The other problem:*  I also can't upload anything (images) from the
>>>>  admin (post) panel.  It does nothing when I do it, and whatever I 
>>>> try to
>>>>  upload shows up nowhere on the server.  I can work around that 
>>>> with ftp,
>>>>  but obviously I'd rather not.
>>>>  I'm SURE this is all because of the add-on domain, because everything
>>>>  works fine on my regular blog and my "testing" blog
>>>>  (bamapachyderm.com/testing/ - nothing special with that one).  I just
>>>>  don't know what I'm missing!  My .htaccess file is very close to 
>>>> the one
>>>>  on my regular blog (with obvious changes, like instead of
>>>>  bamapachyderm.com I have mccainblogs.com where needed).  Is it 
>>>> possible
>>>>  my .htaccess file should NOT say mccainblogs.com, but should instead
>>>>  refer to the wordpress location address?
>>>>  (bamapachyderm.com/mccainblogs.com/)  I do NOT want to have
>>>>  bamapachyderm show up in the mccainblogs.com URL to visitors, but I
>>>>  don't care what it looks like to me, if that matters.
>>>>  My assumption is that there's something I need to change in the
>>>>  .htaccess file, but I don't know what that change would be. I even
>>>>  thought maybe it had something to do with the canonical url, but 
>>>> this is
>>>>  a new blog and I haven't set up any kind of redirects (/www/no 
>>>> www/ or
>>>>  whatever) for it, and I'd think if that were the problem, I'd have 
>>>> it on
>>>>  my regular blog as well, which I don't.
>>>>  What am I missing, besides sleep?
>>>>  Thanks!
>>>>  --
>>>>  Beth
>>>>  http://bamapachyderm.com
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