[wp-hackers] Tag functionality questions

Lloyd Budd lloydomattic at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 17:46:59 GMT 2007

On 8/30/07, Jennifer Hodgdon <yahgrp at poplarware.com> wrote:
> I am testing the new tag functionality and trying to figure out how to
> work with tags in multilingual blogs.
> But before I even get to figuring out a way to work with them
> multilingually, I have a few more basic questions about tag
> functionality in core WP 2.3:
> 1) It looks like there isn't any admin screen for managing tags --
> e.g. editing slugs, editing misspellings, deleting tags, etc. Is that
> intentional? Or is it there and I missed something?

It isn't there. I don't see any tickets related, so it seems like it
isn't in the works for 2.3 .

> 2) Is there any built-in functionality for tags besides (a) tagging a
> post on the edit screen and (b) a function to list the tags for a post
> in your Theme? I didn't see a tag cloud, for instance, and I think
> others have mentioned on this list that tags are not part of the RSS
> feed by default?

Getting it in the feeds has a high priority ticket.

A tag cloud has been floating around ;-) But I don't remember where it
is, so don't know if that will make it into 2.3

> 3) When I added a tag that matched an existing category slug exactly,
> it automatically used the same term for both. Is that intentional? I
> didn't like that behavior, among other things, because it capitalized
> the tag (I want my categories capitalized but I don't think it's
> standard to capitalize tags).

I think that is intentional, but I can see the capitalization being
bothersome for some.

> 4) Given (I think) the limited (to the point of uselessness, from my
> point of view right now) functionality of the built-in tags in core WP
> 2.3, which tag plugins is it supposed to be compatible with?

Need egg before chicken? At least one person in the bug hunt yesterday
was poking around specifically to create/update tagging plugins.

Lloyd Budd | Digital Entomologist | | Skype:foolswisdom
WordPress.com | WordPress.org | Automattic.com

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