[wp-hackers] Future Posting Fix Request

Computer Guru computerguru at neosmart.net
Mon Jul 24 18:28:46 GMT 2006

> As an aside - I wrote a script to scan  WP  and MT blogs on my server
> that have Akismet installed, detect the spammy IPs, and shunt  them
> into  the firewall. Very low  impact,  runs every 10 minutes, and so
> far  is  doing  a marvelous job. I  know  this  isn't  something that
> could  be built into  WP, but thought some folks here might be
> interested:

Have you seen Bad Behaviour?
It's a plugin for WordPress that does just that, except instead of blacklisting the IPs themselves, it blacklists their _methods_ by blocking certain UAs, access to files, etc... all from WP itself.

Together with Spam Karma 2 (and it's own Akismet plugin for SK2), you can blacklist the IPs _and_ the methods of accessing the blog by spammers, _and_ take advantage of Akismet's spam filters.... bullet-proof (for now).

Computer Guru
NeoSmart Technologies

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