[wp-hackers] post_status = future and pseudo-cron

Evan Broder wp at ebroder.net
Fri Feb 10 02:56:02 GMT 2006

Mark Jaquith wrote:
> Ick, I hope not.  every_X_minutes, every_X_hours, every_X_ days is the 
> way to go.  It's a bit more work initially (writing the backend for 
> it), but it will make it much easier for plugin authors... no need to 
> keep re-adding things and calculating times and stuff.
> -- 
> Mark Jaquith
> http://txfx.net/
If this is actually going to happen, would it not just be easier to 
integrate Skippy's WP-Cron into wp-core? I mean, it sounds like that's 
essentially what's being suggested, so why rewrite code that already exists?

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