[wp-hackers] Problems ?

Fahim Farook fahim at farook.org
Mon Mar 7 09:40:35 GMT 2005

Hi Jason,

    I first became interested in this thread due to the reason that I
currently work for LunarPages as a remote systems administrator and I
was familiar with at least two of the cases that Podz had highlighted.
Being a WordPress plugin developer (I continue work on the WPBlacklist
plugin that LaugingLizard/Mark originally wrote) and a WP user, I have
been frustrated from my end at LunarPages in trying to find a solution
to problems such as this (as well as other similar ones) due to various
reasons. I believe in finding solutions for customers - not simply
telling them that their stats are too high and that's all the
information that we can provide them with and then asking them to sort
it out on their own. So, if I can help in some manner, I would certainly
be interested in being part of the machine :) Kind regards,

Fahim Farook

Jason Hoffman wrote:

> On Mar 6, 2005, at 3:37 PM, Carthik Sharma wrote:
> >In this situation, one's reminded of why hosts like TextDrive are an
> >excellent option, since they can identify the problem to a greater
> >resolution (than just - "you php script is causing the problem" ). In
> >fact, the more I think of it, the more I think that a resposible,
> >educated host should be able to help in finding out what the problem
> >is, to a greater level of detail.
> One thing to note here is besides hosting wordpress itself and having
> Matt "on staff" is that our goal is be able to financially support a
> wordpress support team (not just provide servers) that works within our
> support system.
> That's how punbb, textpattern, epilog, rails is (and getting to be that
> way more and more). When someone has an issue with textpattern, it's
> Dean and txp developers that help, when there's a  punbb issue it's
> Rickard that helps, ....
> That's where the developer/sysadmin hosting synergy really happens
> because we really can do a full analysis that can even feed back into
> bug squashing etc. So anyone doing "real" support for Wordpress and is
> interested in being part of the machine, should talk to Matt and
> myself, I'd be happy to have you (and defer to Matt's recommendations).
> Thanks, J

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