[wp-forums] New Search

Petit petit at petitpub.com
Wed Mar 22 18:44:31 GMT 2006

Podz wrote:

>Michael B wrote:
>>Does look like a useful tool, also looks like attempts to abuse it will
>>On another note, is it time to either add to the search sticky, or take it
>I was thinking the same thing.
>If it's linked to the yahoo API then it might have a usage limit (Matt ?)
>One minor blip:
>searching for "hello world" returns a result with \"hello world\" in the
>search field.
>How about it's unstuck but we bookmark it just in case?
The new search is an improvement indeed. It finds things.

About the sticky, I'd say let it stick, but add slightly to the 
information to include the new search functionality.

And then whith all due respect where such is due, ( humble, humble ), 
well. I have to spit it out: The results page stinks.
Six results takes a whopping 800 pixels of vertical space at "normal" 
font size, making the results page not very efficient.
Some formatting here would be nice if at all possible.

Other than that, thumbs up for the new serachability and thanks!

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