[wp-forums] Who can offer what

TechGnome tg at tannagh.com
Sun Mar 19 21:22:05 GMT 2006

spencerp wrote:
> Which I basically had been saying, but is always
> overlooked LOL!
> After reading through, ALL the emails.. I'm just getting that it's more of a headache then anything. I would just do as such like before basically. 
> 1) Moderators find such post of those trying to sell their services and edit their threads, pointing them to JOIN the wp-pro list, and wait. IF that's what the list is for anyways, right?
It is, and we should (or the mods should). And I think the general 
consensus is in agreement with this.

> 2) Those trying to find such services. Moderators or forum users to reply with a link to that wp-pro list, then tell them to join and post a request for custom help. And wait for a reply from those offering such services.. And basically tell them, if issues come up, they need to keep their issues or support with those that did that "custom" work, rather then bring it to the support forums.
I agree that once custom work is done, any support that is needed should 
be kept out of the forums - the exception might be the rare case of when 
the original provider goes poof and can't be found, but that's a 
different deal.
I was going to suggest that people should still be able to post "will 
pay for work" in the forums, but now I'm not so sure. I'm begining to 
think that ANY situation where money or other numeration for work may 
change hands, it should be redirected to the wp-pro list.
> 3) Forget all about the hassles of a "Services Forum" all together, because it's just a headache and a "dog chasing the tail" ordeal.. because proposals after proposals, and yet ppl are still trying to come up with a proposal..and still nothing has "come up"..yet.
I think it's been pretty much decided that a separate forums section is 
not the way to go. It's been pointed out time and time again, there's 
too much grey area with it.
> 4) I dun really care, whatever lol!.. But I'm still however, all for making up a Knowledge Base like phpBB has. Example:
> Knowledge Base
> The knowledge base contains team and user submitted articles, covering a number of frequently asked questions.
> http://www.phpbb.com/kb/categories.php
> http://www.phpbb.com/kb/list_articles.php?category_id=6
> Might just help unclutter the support forums with tons of repeated questions.. I think that's a little more important at this time, rather then worrying about the paid stuff. Again, it's basically saying...let's worry about that, because money is involved..
1) You should care though. These are your forums just as they are mine, 
just as they are Podz's, Viki's and sometimes moshu's (on days when he 
hasn't disavowed us  ;-) )

2) Isn't that what the Codex is for? A knowledge base of all things WP?  
I'm not sure how a KB at this point would be of any use.
> spencerp
> Personally, I think everyone should be corralled to the wp-pro list, or at
> least "strongly encouraged".  If an effort is made to resuscitate that list,
> perhaps it can turn more into what it was intended to be -then again, I've
> gotten 2 jobs from that list, because not so many people use it, so maybe I
> shouldn't be promoting it :)
As this goes on, I'm beginning to lean this way myself. It's the only 
thing that really makes sense, and the option that results in everyone 
being treated the same.


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