[wp-forums] Who can offer what

Vicki Frei vkaryl at localnet.com
Sun Mar 19 21:02:04 GMT 2006

Moshu wrote:
>> I'd agree, as long as we could make it "two way" - that is
>> sellers AND buyers.
>> I'm not sure that's going to work though.... we could try it....
>> V
> I don't see how would that be. I mean the two way.
> As it is now, a buyer is "pushed" from the forum to use the list for
> seeking pro(?) help (whatever that means...) and then they subscribe,
> post a request and people reply to the OP privately.
> You or Michael or I could post the world's most excellent services
> today --- who is subscribed now will see it, but any new member coming
> in tomorrow would have no idea about it. Now asking from a new help
> seekers to go through the Archives of that list to find our
> "wonderful" offers... come on :)
> Regardless, I agree that paid help seekers should be strongly
> encouraged to post to the list. We used to do that in the past - what
> did change that we don't do it anymore?
> m.

I agree, I didn't mean I thought it would work, as Podz pointed out that's why 
he suggested a separate forum to begin with.  I was simply meaning that it's one 
of those "sauce for...." things - if you shuffle the sellers off, you need to 
ditto the buyers or vice versa.

I don't know why the list-referrals got left in the dust; perhaps because we 
couldn't for a while find the address easily?  I dunno....


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