[wp-forums] Proposed draft

Vicki Frei vkaryl at localnet.com
Sun Mar 19 00:07:47 GMT 2006

Moshu wrote:
> The important discussions always happen when I go out and am not
> around the computer :)
> (You guys write a lot... it's not easy to catch up)
> Anyway - if it would be a "forum"-like thing then I'd agree 100% with
> what Melanie said about closed threads, deleting sellers from wrong
> forum, redirecting buyers etc.
> However, it seems that Matt's idea is closer to what I suggested at
> the very beginning of this discussion: a separate page for commercial
> services of the community members.
> That I proposed a minor fee and Matt is thinking about a "barrier to
> entry" --- is a minor detail, I guess.
> To be honest I'd feel kind of "split personality" if while moderating
> and helping users for free in one thread... I'd appear in another
> thread as someone offering paid services.
> It might sound crazy for some of you, but it happened that I told a
> newbie struggling with the install to send me an email and I did it
> for him (it was easier and faster than trying to do it by 'remote
> control'...) - and when he asked how to pay me I refused, saying it
> started in the free support forum and I was the one who told him to
> contact me, so there is no reason to pay. I am very, very "anal" about
> keeping these things separated :)
> Of course, if somebody posted they were looking to hire a theme
> designer to make a theme that matches their website and left an email
> address - I replied in private, give my rate and if they accepted the
> job was done. Yes, I do this kind of jobs and I plan to do even more
> and to offer other services, too... but you will not find a post of
> mine trying to mix the two.
> I love(d) to help people in the forum, and even if I was mean
> sometimes... I think I helped many WP users. If I return to post in
> the forum again - I want to do it so that everybody knows: this is a
> free support!
> So, if there is a chance to not mix my "business" and my volunteering
> that's great. The separate page solution would be better in this
> regard.
> I wrote all the above to demonstrate that even for us, WP-Forum
> veterans (?), this is not an easy issue. If it is to vote ==> my vote
> goes to a separate page. Who and how will make the decision about the
> 'entry barrier'... that might be the next long-long thread here :)
> moshu

Well, I didn't get into any of that because what I was replying to at any given 
point in the thread-cycle wasn't germane....

But I too am not into making money from threads in the support forum.  I don't 
want anyone to think I don't think it should EVER be done by anyone, I don't 
feel that way at all.  It's just that it's not "me".... I've hand-held a dozen 
people off-forum in private email contact because the situation on the board got 
too "tangled".  And truthfully I don't think it will ever be "me".

That's another reason for wanting the commercial totally removed from the 
support forum.  I completely agree with Matt that /support/ needs to be just 


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