[wp-forums] Services forum

Michael Niziol michaelniziol at gmail.com
Sat Mar 18 05:44:52 GMT 2006

I agree with moshu, a user willing to pay for help is completely different
than visiting the support forum and being inundated with links and the like
for paid support services.

The issues I touched on in my very long (and I do apologize for it's length)
message, go to the heart of this. If someone asks for help and offers to
pay, then whatever transpires becomes a private transaction, but when it
comes down to allowing paid-support advertisements, it most certainly would
(in short order) turn into a free-for-all, opportunistic if you want help,
pony up the cash situation and I don't think anyone wants to see that

Money or the prospect of money does funny things to many people, if you mix
what is free and what is un-free, sadly, I think the motivation of greed
would far out-power the motivation to help (at no charge) and the patience
that is sometimes required to get the solutions one is searching for. In the
ideal world that wouldn't be the case, but unfortunately our world is hardly


On 17/03/06, Moshu <moshu at transycan.net> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Kaf Oseo
> >  What is it we are
> > attempting to solve
> > with this?
> 1. There is a need for paid services.
> Earlier it was that those seeking such services posted their contact
> info - or were advised by us to do so - and whoever wanted could
> contact them _outside_ of the forum.
> 2. Lately, more and more often, if the original paid-service-seeker
> didn't leave a contact address, eager "volunteers" jump in and post
> their website/email... offering to do some paid work.
> While I find #1 OK, I feel uncomfortable about #2. Many times I was
> inclined to delete, moderate... to step in - because I don't think the
> present setup of the forum should allow it.
> One thing that we might "solve" with this would be the clear
> delimitation (differentiation?) of free support offered in the forum
> and paid services offered by private entities.
> But maybe I am wrong...
> moshu
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