[wp-forums] Services forum

spencerp psgif180 at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 18 03:07:34 GMT 2006

Michael B wrote:
Again, either way, it's a rock and hard place.  At least with this option (a services forum) we can say we tried.  If it fails miserably, proves to be too much, then we can ax all threads, and say we gave it a shot.

Not that my .01$ really matters on this whole ordeal anyways, but I'd say go for it. Like Micheal basically said, it's an IFFY situation either way, but if it fails, clean the slate, and atleast you tried. Like I said before, it would help keep that "stuff" out of the "main" support forums, well...hopefully..

But, like I also said too, I know there is a CODEX for users to go and look for answers to problems and such, but you could ALSO maybe make a forum section for Threads, with "specific" problems and their "fixes", all in one thread.. 

This would/could also possibly help keep down the repeated questions within the "Latest Discussion" section of the support forums, as well as the other forums. Maybe make a "STICKY" being discriptive of where to find these problems and fixes at that "specific" forum. 

A "sticky" like, Have Problems? Need the fixes? Read this first! or something..and then a more detailed description of that "Problem and Fixes" forum, with the link to the forums. 

Might help cut down on the repeated questions like such:
"Enabling Pop Up Comments" or "How to do Image Map for Headers" or "Changing Font Colors, Text" or "Comments at 0 and never changes" as just some examples.

Have those threads with those answers moved, into that "specific forum". I dunno, just my opinions, suggestions and such on how to also help keep the main forums cleaner.. which I think would be more important then a commerical related forum.. Not that this would probably be read anyways, just feels good to get out lol. =/ =) 



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