[wp-forums] Services forum

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sat Mar 18 00:49:49 GMT 2006

Vicki Frei wrote:

> I don't think it's a good idea.  I don't know that I can explain why not
> - it just feels "wrong" someway....  I think maybe.... it's reminding me
> of the debacle at phpLD (OS software, free but they pimped for dollars
> constantly, and even after donating - which I did - any time you needed
> help they wanted money FIRST....)

But this isn't Matt asking for cash, neither is it us. Matt does not ask
for cash, we wouldn't. To be honest if someone DID say they wanted cash
first I'd want to block them from the forum.

> I think as well that it would cause more heartburn than it would cure. 
> At this point, I'd prefer just to decide on a "policy" for the out and
> out commercial advertising (like the posts which started this whole
> thing), sticky the new policy, and stick to it....

Person A says - in an existing thread - they will install WP along with
a theme and plugins. They will charge $50 and they link to their
www.ego_url.com site.
Person B says - in an existing thread - that DreamHost are great and
leaves a referral link. That link will generate MORE than the $50.
One is commercial, open and they work for the cash.
One is private, possibly hidden to the link clicker and they lift not a
finger for their money.
Which is okay ?

I can't see _how_ we can both make and consistently enforce any sort of
policy. Who decides who is worthy? Who decides who is unworthy? How are
both decisions reached bearing in mind that when money is at stake
people may argue harder?

Mods getting into the trade thing isn't the issue - in some ways we can
each tout that already so arguably this evens the field too.

The fact is that the market exists. It isn't going away and I believe
that it will come into the forums more - it's our forum so we make the
rules for the benefit of the people we know use the forums. Not the
people who will ask for cash but the people who want the help.
It's their interests we need to look out for and that is done both by
making services known so they can see the going prices and also by
keeping things in one place and to one set of rules that does not
disturb the rest of the forums.

Ideal scenario: Post two stickies. One with Buyer's advice. The other
with Seller's Rules. Strip all tags. Nothing shows out of that forum.
Leave it to itself bar the odd stroll through to check against both the
rules and what we would normally check for.

Benefits of such a forum:
- the market price becomes more transparent
- buyers get a range to choose from
- sellers have their place to 'advertise'

Drawbacks of such a forum:
- unless we get the rules fairly right, we'll be chasing to catch up
- err......

I'm not insisting we do have it but I certainly do think that it's going
to be a lot less hassle to simply move posts into another forum rather
than deleting and being accused of commercial censorship.

I don't think we should look for 'official' anything either - it won't
happen. Such advice _would_ be worked around and then the
interpretations start from both sides. And then the rules can only
change if the 'official' person says so and then someone calls bias etc
etc. Easier to use rules that are defined, agreed and changed by a group
- it's harder to shoot a group but it's also easier to produce good
rules in a group.

I do think there are holes but then are we in danger of over-thinking it
through ?


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