[wp-forums] Services forum

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Fri Mar 17 16:00:47 GMT 2006

TechGnome wrote:
> I see it as an all or none option. You either allow any kind of service
> to be offered, or none of them. Otherwise accusations of favoritism will
> come back and bite us in the backside. And that will just lead to more
> noise in the forums than we really need (or should) deal with. 

I see it as this behaviour is going to happen so how do we best control
it for the benefit of forum users. While we can stamp on those that do
promote services - and a DreamHost referral url is just that too - that
makes us as mods visible. I still believe that our actions should be as
infrequent and discreet as possible.
I take the view that if they want to use the forums they can but only on
our rules.

That said, I can see many ways to exploit it too.
I thought it was an answer but all day things are cropping up in my mind
that I can't see a solution to. But then that's why we have this list -
to work things out.


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