[wp-design] Shuttle Road Ahead

Joshua Sigar jls_online at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 14 08:01:08 GMT 2006

FYI, work is in progress. Login is done and dashboard
is halfway there.

khaled Abou Alfa wrote:
> Joshua,
> 1. Sounds like a plan batman
> 2. Not sure what you mean here
> 3. I'll send you the hex codes later on this
> 4. Something's funny with that ai file, I'll sort it
out this evening 
> and send it through to you.
> 5. Matt? Ryan?
> 6. You're a demon.
> On 3/7/06, *Joshua Sigar* <jls_online at yahoo.com 
> <mailto:jls_online at yahoo.com>> wrote:
>     1. You guys have done your part, so I guess it's
>     turn--wherever this
>     thing end up. I'm gonna tackle login, and
>     first. Chris, or
>     anyone else can do some other pages, just make
sure to
>     post it here.
>     2. Any suggestion on how I should configure the
>     for web" settings?
>     3. It will make my life a lot easier if you
could give
>     me the colors in
>     hex format (e.g., f0f0f0) for those that will
>     eventually become css
>     background color or font color. Just note the
>     values on top of the
>     elements on pages.
>     4. Why the WP logo (like in login page) is not
>     completely rounded? It's
>     flat on the left side.
>     5. I will probably work off WP 2.0.2(rc)
>     6. I should finish login and dashboard by this
>     and possibly
>     more, minus the WP's version checking.

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