[wp-design] Version 26

Michael Heilemann heilemann at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 11:06:57 GMT 2005

Let's try coloring the background, if it works, great. If not, we fall back 
to the JS.

On 9/13/05, Joen Asmussen <joen at noscope.com> wrote:
> Wouldn't red be a better bet? Or maybe even (gasp, shock horror!) go as 
> far as coloring the button red? ;)
> Hehe. 
> Well yes, I could go with coloring the button red, but I would prefer the 
> area behind the button to be red instead. And for a third reason, I'm 
> leaning towards dropping the color there completely.
> If we should color things, I would prefer the background to be tinted 
> rather than the button itself. Safari won't color the button anyway, so they 
> wouldn't know the red stuff, plus, a red button would catch too much 
> attention, as opposed to plainly a red background.
> Finally, the attention thing, maybe the whole "warning", is unnecessary 
> considering the fact that we'll already have a Javascript popup warning box. 
> -- 
> Aloha,
> Michael Heilemann
> http://binarybonsai.com 
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Michael Heilemann
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