[theme-reviewers] theme update checking

Styled Themes social at styledthemes.com
Sat Oct 11 01:55:55 UTC 2014

Thanks Daniel....so basically it's done from the text domain/slug

If my theme is called: My Theme
Then my text domain/slug is: my_theme  (or) my-theme (or) mytheme

The text domain/slug is then used throughout for translation function calls
and function prefix naming...etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: theme-reviewers [mailto:theme-reviewers-bounces at lists.wordpress.org]
On Behalf Of Daniel Fenn
Sent: October-10-14 6:38 PM
To: Discussion list for WordPress theme reviewers.
Subject: Re: [theme-reviewers] theme update checking

It checks via the theme slug. And that comes from the theme name.

On 10/11/14, Styled Themes <social at styledthemes.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask or if it should go to 
> the forums, but exactly how does it work when WordPress checks themes 
> for updates.does the system check against the "Theme Name" or the "Text
> from the stylesheet of the theme to that of the svn when an update is 
> released? I'm wanting to clarify this for future themes that I make 
> for submission the repository.
> Thanks in advance,
> Andre

Daniel Fenn
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