[theme-reviewers] Adding warnings to Theme-Check for remove_filter on wpautop and wptexturize

Marvin Luginbill spooky at metalink.net
Thu Sep 6 20:40:23 UTC 2012

From: Edward Caissie 
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 8:59 PM
To: theme-reviewers at lists.wordpress.org 
Subject: Re: [theme-reviewers] Adding warnings to Theme-Check for remove_filter on wpautop and wptexturize

This Google search (for the last year) site:themes.svn.wordpress.org "remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' )" brings up 5 results.

I haven't really looked closely to see what all the repercussions of doing it would be, but at a glance I am not seeing it as being wrong given what the theme is trying to do. For example, PageLines is simply moving the two functions to a different priority sequence (from the default 10 to 12) to "Prevent AUTOP inside of shortcodes"

... and the Tenacity theme appears to be removing these formatting functions in favor of their own. 

Perhaps there is a better method? I'm sure this could be opened for discussion but as I see from these recent examples, it appears (at least with these two randomly picked from the search results) to be done in a conscientious manner.


On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 8:50 PM, Japheth Thomson <japh at envato.com> wrote:

  Yeah, it seems strange. There's a tutorial here: http://tutorials.mysitemyway.com/adding-column-layout-shortcodes-to-a-wordpress-theme/#highlighter_671922 which seems to claim that the <p></p> and <br /> tags mess with column shortcodes, or something like that? 

  On 6 September 2012 10:47, Justin Tadlock <justin at justintadlock.com> wrote:

    I can't really think of a reason a theme should be doing either of those things at all.  There might be some legitimate uses (from a theme perspective) but none come to mind at the moment. 

    On 9/5/2012 7:27 PM, Japheth Thomson wrote:


      There's been some discussion today on Twitter, and a blog post I wrote ( http://japh.co/NSXyTr ), about themes that run code like:

        remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' );
        remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wptexturize' );

      And also implementing a [raw][/raw] shortcode like http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-remove-wpautop-wptexturize-with-a-shortcode

      Could we add checks for these things into Theme-Check? And would it be sensible to do so?


      Japh Thomson
      WordPress Evangelist
      japh at envato.com


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  Japh Thomson
  WordPress Evangelist
  japh at envato.com

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