[theme-reviewers] Discussion

Philip M. Hofer (Frumph) philip at frumph.net
Wed Sep 1 16:10:43 UTC 2010

Just to point out a few things.

1) Dicussions are made pertaining to the tickets in question for being 
not-accepted.   Some are responded to by the theme authors., and noted.  In 
any event, there is a NEW ticket made for the fixes that were made. 
Leaving the old ticket open will just leave it open.  There is no way for 
that old ticket to associate with the new upload.  If there is, then the 
person responsible for making it as such has not done so.

2) Conversations between review and theme authors continue on as noted 
whether the previous ticket was closed or not, but underlying thought here 
is that it continues and it does, it might not for people who are abusive as 
you have seen; but I will not make special considerations for individuals 
who write in that manner in my work, nor in my volunteering.

Everything is and has been looked at concerning how things are implemented 
per the theme in question.   Take for example the suffusion theme, he stated 
clearly in his responses and well minus the whole 
add_theme_support('menus'); thing it was handled and discussed and taken 
care of.

It works, and it works well.

As always, experiences may vary and adding drama and weight to the 
discussions "do it this way or else" will not make things happen, i'm 
formally requesting that Otto be removed from any discussions for future 
Theme Review interaction besides the event that he is the only one to be 
looked at for adjusting the Trac.

In Otto's capacity of theme author, I request formally that Otto be cordial 
and responsive to his arguments to invalidate the theme reviewers decision.

- Philip M. Hofer (Frumph)

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