[theme-reviewers] Is WP_DEBUG really important, or is it just to take the load of ? (Satish in reply to Chip & Phil)

Philip M. Hofer (Frumph) philip at frumph.net
Mon Oct 11 06:50:28 UTC 2010

Some notices like trying to get property of non-object and other things of that like, including reference notices could be bad coding to something of a greater scope, and they are displayed as notices.

The idea is that the theme review team is really bogged down getting all the themes reviewed, instead of weighing the individual notices they are just blanketting all of them.  

It also shows that the developer has been involved with their theme to check every inconsistancy which is good coding practice.   Not to mention the deprecated messages makes sure that the themes are developed using the current WordPress revision.

So while I also feel the same way in some respects, not allowing the notices/warnings/errors/deprecates is really a benefit to the developer and the repository as a whole.

- Phil

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Satish Gandham 
  To: theme-reviewers at lists.wordpress.org 
  Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2010 11:33 PM
  Subject: Re: [theme-reviewers] Is WP_DEBUG really important, or is it just to take the load of ? (Satish in reply to Chip & Phil)

  Hello Chip,

  "Why do you say that not allowing PHP errors and Deprecated Function Calls
  makes no sense?"

  1. They are not errors, , not even warnings they are notices.

  It doesn't make sense because there are somany notices from plugins and they are harmless.

  There may be such checks in future in plugins to, it has to start some where and it started with themes, it's fine. Clearing those notices should be a recommendation rather than a requirement.

  PS: Im going to get rid of the notices in my theme, I want my theme to be the best. I'm only saying that a theme should not be rejected just because of those harmless notices.

  Hello Phil,

  Thanks for the offer :), I think I can fix the errors myself.

  Can you check the code and UI and tell if anything can be improved further.

  Here is the latest version

  PS: I really like the way questions are answered on this mailing list. I like the new review team to, earlier team (may be individual) was like monarchy, the current one is democratic :).

  It would be great if the theme review doesn't take 2 weeks.

  Satish Gandham


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