[theme-reviewers] Theme Review: Critical Failures

Chip Bennett chip at chipbennett.net
Tue Aug 24 12:51:07 UTC 2010

Good morning, all!

I just failed a Theme this morning, without further review, due to an SEO
credit link ("Free WordPress Themes" as the link anchor text). I'm just
wondering: do you all have a list of "critical" failures, for which you
would immediately halt a Theme review, and close as not-accepted?

I think the following would warrant such treatment:

 - Incorrect license
 - SEO/Spam credit link(s)
 - Base64 or other Encoding
 - Security exploits/injections

(I've not actually run into the last two, but I added them, as they would
surely cause a fail. Encoding might actually be screened by the upload

Anything else?

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