[wp-hackers] wp-plugins.org login mystery

Carthik Sharma carthik at gmail.com
Sat Mar 5 16:53:49 GMT 2005

I ran into a strange problem at the Trac install at http://dev.wp-plugins.org

I was logged in as "2fargon". For whatever reason, I created a new
user called "carthik" at the forums, and wanted to login as "carthik".

So I clicked "logout" at wp-plugins.org and I was logged out. Then
when I clicked login, I got no login screen, I was logged in as
"2fargon" automatically, and nothing would make Trac behave otherwise.

I tried deleting cookies (all of them), and saved passwords (All the
wordpress.org ones) in my browser (FF 1.0.1), and still Trac won't
play nice.

This is just a note, so there is a record of the problem.


When nothing is done, nothing is left undone -- 老子 Lǎozi

University of Central Florida
Homepage: http://carthik.net

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