[wp-hackers] Timezones, server settings, and WP dates

Morgan Doocy morgan at doocy.net
Thu Jan 27 17:46:20 GMT 2005

> I am sorry if that doesn't work. If it doesn't it must be a bug, since
> it's expected to work.

Eric, I seem to remember reading that your version of WP is 'hacked to 
pieces'. Did this happen before you altered your install? And have you 
tried testing a fresh WP install to see if it exhibits the same 

> I will look into this the soonest I can. The problem, though, is that
> it would be one more option, and little more confusion. I would rather
> live with changing it once or twice manually every year, like I do
> with my clocks.

With respect, Carthik, I have a feeling most folks wouldn't share your 
"I'd rather remember to change it manually" sentiment. I'm all about 
preventing feature bloat, and I'm very conscientious of usability, but 
this seems like a shoo-in to me -- the only constraint being the 
technical feasibility of it. On the UI side it should add little more 
than an "Adjust for daylight savings time" checkbox and a dropdown for 
your time zone/locale.


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