[wp-hackers] WP-Gatekeeper

Eric A. Meyer eric at meyerweb.com
Mon Jan 24 22:27:10 GMT 2005

Hi folks,

    I created a WP add-on (it's a little too involved to be a plugin) 
called WP-Gatekeeper.  Here's the post about it:


...and the "home page" for the add-on is here:


If anyone wants to look through the actual code I wrote (and 
liberally adapted from Markku's wp-recent-links plugin) to point out 
how I could have made it more efficient, be my guest.
    Apologies if I post this after somebody else mentions it, but I'm 
having some e-mail problems related to server problems (*cough*), so 
I'm losing a bit of mail (*cough*hack*) and what I'm getting is 
coming in fairly slowly (*cough*hack*wheeze*).

Eric A. Meyer  (eric at meyerweb.com)
Principal, Complex Spiral Consulting   http://complexspiral.com/
"CSS: The Definitive Guide," "CSS2.0 Programmer's Reference,"
"Eric Meyer on CSS," and more    http://meyerweb.com/eric/books/

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