[wp-hackers] OT: "Nofollow" Rant

Craig Hartel craig at nuclearmoose.com
Sat Jan 22 21:21:42 GMT 2005

One other issue about things being on by default and not having an easily-found
"switch" to turn it off is support.

I've seen comments on this list to the effect of "well if you don't like it,
then just write a plugin to change it." That's something I take a serious issue
with. Why? Because the vast majority of WordPress users (insert all other blog
tool products as well) cannot code.

If you notice, and I know that many on the hackers list do not, a huge amount of
support on the forums is provided by users, not hackers. There are lots of
hackers here on this list who are rarely seen on the support forums. Why? Well,
because you don't need to be there because you can "write your own plugins."

Those of use who spend a lot of time helping the majority of the users could use
some help from the coding community in terms of making things easier to deal
with in the support forums. I wish I was clever enough to collate and analyze
the questions posted on the forum. I would say that most of the thousands of
posts centre around maybe a dozen core issues. Resolving those issues should
occupy the time of the coding community far more than it does.

I well and truly appreciate the time and talents demonstrated and donated by so
many of you. I just feel it necessary to occasionally stick my head in here and
stir up the pot so that you remember that there are a lot of people out there
who need better answers than "write your own plugin". There are so many folks on
the user side who, like me, admire your skills and are very thankful that you
share them.

That ought to get the hornets' nest stirred up, eh? ;)

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