[wp-hackers] CVS: wordpress/wp-includes comment-functions.php, 1.17, 1.18 functions-formatting.php, 1.61, 1.62 vars.php, 1.44, 1.45

Owen Winkler ringmaster at midnightcircus.com
Sat Jan 22 14:48:13 GMT 2005

Christoph Rummel wrote:

> On 21.01.2005, at 22:07, Robert Deaton wrote:
>> All opinions aside, it can be easily disabled. Make yourself a quick
>> plugin or something and have the line:
>> remove_filter('pre_comment_content', 'wp_rel_nofollow');
> It's not that simple...
Agreed.  Having a look at the intended code, the nofollow stuff needs to 
be more isolated in order to work.  It's included directly in kses for 
one.  You can't turn it off in there without disabling all of the other 
useful things kses does.

I don't have a problem with spreading nofollow all over commenter-added 
links as a default.  It will protect novice bloggers from poisoning the 
well.  But more advanced hooks for plugin authors to augment the 
nofollow routines would be well appreciated.  As it stands, you'd have 
to filter the comments after the nofollows were inserted to remove the 
ones you didn't want.  Ugly.

Besides that, wasn't the MT implementation of nofollow done as a 
plugin?  Maybe that plugin is on by default.  I think this is a good way 
of handling it, if not directly in the core.  Then there will be less to 
complain about since you could very easily disable it.


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