[wp-hackers] change number of posts displayed on the page

Stephen Cropp steve at de-generationx.net
Sun Jan 16 13:06:38 GMT 2005

scriptygoddess wrote:
> I meant to add - I need to make this work for v 1.5.
> -Jennifer

For 1.2 I had to create a custom wp-blog-header.php to do this exact 
same thing. Then include that in my archive/category template instead of 
the original wp-blog-header.php.

There are posts on the support forums about where to make the changes 
and so on.

 From memory, I replaced the $what_to_show archive with my own.

...*goes to confirm*...

$ diff wp-blog-archdr.php wp-blog-header.php
<     //$what_to_show = get_settings('what_to_show');
<       $what_to_show == 'days';
 >     $what_to_show = get_settings('what_to_show');
<               /* if ($s && empty($paged)) { // If they were doing a 
search and
  got one result
 >               if ($s && empty($paged)) { // If they were doing a 
search and go
t one result
<               }*/
 >               }

Thats from the original 1.2-mingus release, and I'm only guessing it'll 
be useful for the nightlies.

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