[wp-hackers] mb_send_mail removed?

Owen Winkler ringmaster at midnightcircus.com
Sat Feb 19 15:55:34 GMT 2005

Hey, what happened to mb_send_mail?

This code used to be in wp_mail():

    if ( function_exists('mb_send_mail') )
                return mb_send_mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers, 
        return mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers, $more);

I was using this function to route email through a faster system than 
the built-in PHP mail() function.  Now everything that generates mail on 
my server (mostly having to do with comments, leaving them, approving 
them, etc.) is really... freakin'... slow.

I guess the change was in revision 1.257, labeled "We send the charset 
so we shouldn't need to do character conversion".  Well, ok, but damn... 
I was using that.

Now I'll have to change core code to get my emailing speeded up - unless 
someone knows a different way?


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