[wp-hackers] prev/next link metadata

Firas D. fd at firasd.org
Sat Feb 19 15:39:49 GMT 2005

Mathias Bynens wrote:

>This should deffo be integrated in my opinion.
>Anne van Kesteren even wrote a plugin for next, prev, first and last
>LINK elements: http://annevankesteren.nl/archives/2004/05/markup-purity-plugin
>By the way, is it harmful to have both a LINK element and an A element
>with rel="next"?
Not harmful, but kinda redundant. The link elements are also good for 
stuff where there is no explicit 'next' page specified.

I was going to put this stuff into my theme, but it's actually better 
off as a plugin.. I might update Anne's plugin sometime.

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