[wp-hackers] Bug Fix Plugins

Kimmo Suominen kim at tac.nyc.ny.us
Fri Feb 18 22:34:33 GMT 2005


I've rolled up my bug fixes as plugins, so they are easy to use on any
stock WordPress install.

Format Excerpt

    If you are using Markdown or Textile, you'll notice that a generated
    excerpt may have unwanted (unprocessed/leftover) Markdown or Textile
    markup in it.

    If you are using Markdown or Textile in the excerpt (in the explicit
    excerpt or in the one generated from the post content), the RSS feed
    has unwanted markup in it always, as only the excerpt output as HTML
    gets processed through Markdown or Textile.

Plain Title

    Entities for smart quotes are displayed as entities by Firefox and
    Internet Explorer, possibly by other browsers as well.

Both plugins can be downloaded from


+ Kim
<A HREF="http://kimmo.suominen.com/">Kimmo Suominen</A>

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