[wp-hackers] "Edit a File" favelet

Mathias Bynens mathibus at gmail.com
Sun Feb 13 16:33:52 GMT 2005

I put this is my wp-admin/templates.php, before the line saying
<p><?php _e('Note: of course, you can also edit the files/templates in
your text editor of choice and upload them. This online editor is only
meant to be used when you don&#8217;t have access to a text editor or
FTP client.') ?></p>:

<p><strong>Favelet:</strong> <a href="javascript:var
s='%s';if(!s||s.length==0||s=='%s'){s=prompt('Relative path to the
file to edit:');}if(s){document.location='<?php echo
get_settings('siteurl'); ?>/wp-admin/templates.php?file='+s;}"
title="&#8220;Edit a File&#8221; favelet">Edit a File</a>.</p>

Why not implement this into WP? ;)

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