[wp-hackers] Default User Setup

Mark Jaquith mark.wordpress at txfx.net
Sat Feb 5 21:51:35 GMT 2005

Michael Heilemann wrote:

> Is it just me, or is it a tad unfriendly to set users up with 'admin' 
> and a random password?
> I personally think people should be allowed to choose; now I know that 
> that might push it to a 5 minutes and 30 seconds install time, but 
> it's worth it for the sake of personalization.
> I'd love to see this in 1.5.
> - Mike 

I've always thought so.  The "copy, paste, login, change password" steps 
seem really unnecessary.  I don't think there is really a security 
issue... it's just a convenience thing.

And I don't think that would increase install time at all!  I mean, you 
can't use WordPress until you log in as admin, so that's really part of 
the install.  I think letting users set their own password would 
_reduce_ install time, because there isn't that aggrivating copy/paste 

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