[wp-hackers] Wordpress 1.2.2 XSS Vulnerabilities

Randy Peterman randy at randypeterman.com
Fri Feb 4 16:35:26 GMT 2005

All of these do produce PHP Errors.

Not being a high 'Grand Poobah'* in the whole chain I can't be quoted as 
authoritative.  However, I think that the priority is that WP be self 
consistent so that it doesn't generate those links unless users bork** 
something themselves.

I don't think that everything that isn't handled should be ignored, but 
I also think that it needs to be a lower priority compared to other 
things like implementing smarter, faster code that may make fixing the 
other bugs simpler.  It will most likely be addressed, but it's not a 
high priority compared to some other issues and features.


Randy Peterman
Digital Research & Development
randy at randypeterman.com

* Grand Poobah should be a Flintstones reference if memory serves me.
** Bork may or may not be a Swedish Chef reference from Jim Henson's 

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