[wp-hackers] (Aggregating Blog Content on one Site)

Meitar Moscovitz meitar at maymay.net
Thu Sep 30 21:51:37 UTC 2004

::slaps forhead::
Gosh, because I seem to enjoy making things complicated for myself? :) 
Looks like I should have emailed this list yesterday, *before* I got 

Anyway, I will give this a go and see if it does everything I need it 
to. Thank you kindly for the suggestion!

* Meitar Moscovitz (who needs Captain Obvious as his best friend)
* <De-Coder />
* http://www.maymay.net/ (Personal)

Jason Trommetter wrote:

>Why not just create a page that displays information from the RSS
>feeds for both blogs.  You could use something like CaRP
>(http://www.mouken.com/rss/ )  It creates some pretty feeds.
>Example: http://trommetter.com/log/site/politics
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