[wp-hackers] Themes?

Jonathan Greene atmasphere at atmasphere.net
Fri Sep 24 01:21:41 UTC 2004

Is there a current repository of themes to try?

I switched up to a nightly from this week and decided to bail on my 
previous template for now so I could take full advantage of the work 
that's been done.  I am using Kubrick for now and plan on tweaking 
things once I get back from my business trip.

It took a bit for me to understand what's going on, but now that I've 
spent some time and seen of the files break out, it's actually pretty 
cool.  More like that other system (ahem mt), but without the rebuild 
and still easier to understand.

It would be great to initiate a contest like what Alex hosted for the 
previous round.  Themes are a very simple and easy to to do things if 
you have not customized too much in advance.  The improved interface for 
making adjustments is greatly appreciated.



Jonathan Greene
m 917.560.3000
o 646.202.1498
e atmasphere at atmasphere.net
b http://www.atmasphere.net/wp

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