[wp-hackers] Question about comment moderation

Becky Resler wxgalbecky at gmail.com
Sat Sep 18 23:58:47 UTC 2004

I have a question that I'm hoping someone can answer for me.  When
comments are marked for moderation, how long do they stay in
moderation before they become actual comments (i.e. actually show up
on my blog)?

I ask because most of the time, the email notifications I get about a
comment going into moderation end up being marked as spam.  And I
don't always check what's in my spam folder every day.  For example, I
had 20 comments being marked for moderation during the day yesterday. 
Today, they were all live on my site.  I hadn't checked my spam, so I
was unaware of them.

I can't find a setting anywhere where I can change how long comments
stay in moderation.  I'd prefer they stayed in moderation until I
approved them, but that's not happening (unless I missed a setting
somewhere).  Can anyone help me out?  Thanks in advance.
Becky Resler
wxgalbecky at gmail.com

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