[wp-hackers] header in email for filtering

Michael Leuchtenburg michael at slashhome.org
Mon Sep 13 23:26:14 UTC 2004

Allan Mertner wrote:
>> It would be nice to have a header in email on which to filter on. I 
>> propose the following two formats as possibilities:
>> X-Blog: Wordpress $wp_version: "$wp_blogname"
>> X-Blog: "$wp_blogname"
>> The first one is slightly more informative. The blog software info 
>> could also be put in a different header.
> I second this idea!  I would go for the first version - if you have a 
> header, why not make it informative?

I think that information should be included. The question is just 
whether to do it as above or more like this:
X-Blog: $wp_blogname
X-Blog-Software: Wordpress $wp_version

This would allow the X-Blog header to stay entirely constant with 
changes of software and software versions. I don't know what other blog 
software currently uses, or I would probably have chosen to suggest that.

It would be nice to be able to edit the templates of emails sent without 
editing the wp-includes/functions.php code, too. I'm not going to 
implement that right now, though.

Michael Leuchtenburg  |  http://slashhome.org/
cell: 413.433.0739

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