[wp-hackers] 267 subscribers

Amit Gupta amit at igeek.info
Mon Sep 13 17:55:25 UTC 2004

well Matt, you never know, WordPressers will outthink you in these departments almost everytime. ;)

www.iGEEK.info :: http://blog.igeek.info

---------- Original Message from m at mullenweg.com ----------
I was thinking earlier that the traffic on this list seems relatively 
  for what I was expecting when the whole thing got started. I just 
into mailman and there are *267* people subscribed to the list right 
I never would have thought there would be more than a few dozen who 
ever be interested in development talk. Anyway, thanks to everyone who 
reads and participates in these discussions.

Matt Mullenweg
  http://photomatt.net | http://wordpress.org
http://pingomatic.com | more soon...
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