[wp-hackers] Improved template-functions-category.php

Allan Mertner amwp at mertner.com
Sun Sep 12 21:45:00 UTC 2004

Hi Mike,

> How about adding the class to the anchor (link) tag which will save an
> extra span/div.

That could be done; I decided against it because I wanted just the 
category title to be clickable.  If the date is part of the link, people 
might expect something other than just all posts in the category to 
appear if they click on it.

I also wanted the option of having the link on one line and the 
count/date on a second line in smaller font.  It can be made to look 
quite nice and I thought the added flexibility would be worth another 
div or span element/

> Whilst you can have block level elements within list items, I suspect
> the majority cases would want the category link, count, and date to be
> inline items, and thus spans would be a better default.  Those who do
> wish for a block display for those elements can set display:block for
> those classes.
Indeed; that is an issue that is easily overcome once the structure is 
in place...

Would it be worth my time to make a few changes and resubmit the 
suggested patch?


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