[wp-hackers] 1.3a2 CVS

Markku Seguerra markku at rebelpixel.com
Mon Sep 6 09:49:42 UTC 2004

Amit Gupta wrote:

> well the current non-split templates better work with v1.3 or I'll 
> revolt. ;) I agree with Sebastian, it becomes a mess when you are 

I rarely post here, though I'd just like to express my
vote on the split-template discussion. Personally, I
agree with Sebastian and Amit that multiple template
files to display just one page can be confusing if done
too much. Currently, I'm happy with just one file and
doing all IFs and SWITCHs inside it, but I know that
isn't easy for end users.

If we go split templates, let's just try to limit it,
like a mainfile with another for the sidebar and another
for the footer. Nothing more! :)

The thing is, we should avoid making complex changes to
the templating/layout system since frequent changes
might alienate those who are hardly familiar with
PHP and advanced HTML.

Just my two cents.


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