[wp-hackers] Threaded comments plugin 1.0 released

Brian Meidell brian at mindflow.dk
Mon Sep 6 08:47:21 UTC 2004

Chris Coggburn wrote:

> Great job, I'm glad to see you put that little extra effort towards 
> getting the job done, and done well. All developers need to learn to 
> take that extra little step to get the job done and try and make 
> everybody as happy as possible, be it a extra feature or support for 
> different things (such as development versions).

I'm always that guy. That's why when I think I'm done for the day, 
because I am tired, it's always so easy to push me into it anyway.

The next few things that bother me is the messy code, the IE collapsing 
bug and the problems people are having with non-vanilla setups which 
will be fixed asap.

Can you describe your setup in a little more detail so I might reproduce it?

/Brian Meidell

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