[wp-hackers] XMLRPC Patches

Emmanuel Frécon emmanuel at sics.se
Wed Sep 1 05:36:34 UTC 2004

Kitty wrote:
> You did start with a current cvs checkout before making your patches,
> right? :)

No, I did not. The blog that I was working with is going to "production" 
and going to be used in a public setting, so I did not want to live "on 
the edge".

> There's been quite a few commits over the last week or so.

I checked what was done using the view CVS feature of SF. I saw nothing 
there about media uploading, which is the reason why I started all my 
patching really.

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Emmanuel Frécon              Tel:         +46 8 633 1534
SICS                         Fax:         +46 8 751 7230
Box 1263                     Email:       emmanuel at sics.se
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