[wp-hackers] Another anti-spam technique

Kimmo Suominen kim at tac.nyc.ny.us
Thu Oct 28 16:45:37 UTC 2004

On Thu, Oct 28, 2004 at 12:30:33PM -0400, Owen Winkler wrote:
> Nevertheless, maybe it would be easier to simply rename the 
> wp-comments-post.php file with a random suffix (like 
> wp-comments-post-2132.php).  Keep the name of the file in options along 
> with the date/time/commentcount when it was last updated.  When the time 
> comes to change it (triggered when a comment form is displayed), simply 
> rename the file and update the options table.  The permissions on the 
> file should remain the same if it's renamed, yes?

To rename a file you need write access to the directory the file is in.

But using $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] would result in a similar approach, the
URL's would look like


The "22c6884a6f03c3c6beca525222e00bc0" string would be in PATH_INFO.  It
could be either calculated on the fly, or checked against valid values
in the database.

+ Kim
<A HREF="http://kimmo.suominen.com/">Kimmo Suominen</A>

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