[wp-hackers] Site URL change 'bug'?

Murray at PlanetThoughtful lists at planetthoughtful.org
Mon Oct 25 18:14:54 UTC 2004

Hi John,

Thank you for pointing me to this!

I've been wondering, is there a point to dynamically deriving the cookie
hash from the site url during normal operation?

Would it be possible to derive the cookie hash at install, and store it in a
table and simply use that regardless of the address being used to access the
blog? Alternatively, simply generate a random 32 char string (ie
md5(uniqid(rand(),1)) ) at time of install and use that in a similar way?

This has probably already been discussed to death, but thought it was worth

Much warmth,

Building a thoughtful planet,
One quirky comment at a time.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Watson [mailto:johnw1 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 26 October 2004 3:58 AM
To: hackers at wordpress.org
Subject: Re: [wp-hackers] Site URL change 'bug'?

I created a bug report for this in early September after I experienced
the same problem.  My workaround is in the report.



On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 03:49:22 +1000, Murray @ PlanetThoughtful
<lists at planetthoughtful.org> wrote:
> Hi All, 
> Is anyone looking at the 'bug' where the "WordPress address" (Options >
> General) is periodically and 'spontaneously' changed to another value? 
> This is referenced by several users, including myself, here: 
> http://wordpress.org/support/3/14987 
> I ask, because three times in the last 2 days the value in my WordPress
> address field has changed, without my intervention. 
> Twice from http://www.planetthoughtful.org to
> http://www.planetthoughtful.com, and once from
> http://www.planetthoughtful.org to http://planetthoughtful.org. 
> The major symptom, in my installation, is that when this happens I lose
> ability to see the 'Edit this' link, and also my logged-in users lose the
> ability to rate posts, which relies on being able to verify that the user
> logged in. 
> If anyone has any suggestions of how I can further diagnose this problem,
> would like me to run test code etc, please let me know. 
> Much warmth, 
> Murray 
> http://www.planetthoughtful.org 
> Building a thoughtful planet, 
> One quirky comment at a time. 
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