[wp-hackers] New(?) anti-spam technique

Tara Star tellme at climbtothestars.org
Thu Oct 21 19:26:19 UTC 2004

John Watson wrote:

> But is this the general case? This spammer appeared to be coming from
> hundreds of different IP addresses, but I wonder if he really had
> access to a zombie network or if he was just using IP spoofing from a
> single machine.
> What do you think?

seems to me that for proper anti-spamming action, we need to lay our 
hands on some of these spambots to see how they do it!

Otherwise, your discussion sounds very interesting, though the 
technicalities are a little beyond me (but I get the general idea).

Another good way to slow not-so-subtle spammers who post from the same 
IP address is to set a minimum delay between two comments from the same 
IP to, say, 5 minutes or something.

Steph aka bunny

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