[wp-hackers] User-defined check_comment diff

Owen Winkler ringmaster at midnightcircus.com
Tue Oct 19 16:56:24 UTC 2004

I've added some code to wp_new_comment that will allow for a single 
user-defined function to process comments in addition to check_comment 
as discussed previously: 

Added to this version- Trackbacks, pingbacks, and comments that are 
moderated will generate a message to the admin.  Also added are a set of 
constants that allow a comment to be deleted (not added to the database 
even for moderation) at the discretion of the user_check_comment function.

To make this useful, wp-comments-post.php needs to be updated to use 
wp_new_comment(), which I'm also implemented.

Diffs are attached.

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