[wp-hackers] The menu-system in wp 1.3

Sebastian Herp newsletter at scytheman.net
Sun Oct 17 16:05:39 UTC 2004

Hello list,

two things about the menu-system.

1) It is impossible to write a one-file plugin that has an 
admin-interface. If i use the menu-hook (menu[50]= ....) i can link to 
any file i like, but if the file is outside the /wp-admin folder there 
is no chance of using the admin-header.php or admin-footer.php because 
they have relative includes (e.g. wp-config.php).

2) The new structure:
Where is the logic behind it? :-)
A normal user cannot even edit his own profile, because the menu.php 
denies access to the relevant pages. It works if I directly enter the 
url. So either this is a security problem (not only in profile.php) or 
this needs some re-thinking.
Another annoyance is the fact that the min. userlevel in the 
submenu-array seems to have no effect at all. The entry is still visible 
in the menu.

I hope this will not be the final version of the menu. Discussion?


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