[wp-hackers] Another suggestion for core change?

Mark Jaquith mark.wordpress at txfx.net
Fri Oct 15 18:37:35 UTC 2004

Wow... there are a lot of great points being made here, and I agree 
with... everyone!

One thing: comment notification gets sent to the AUTHOR, not the ADMIN.  
But yeah, there should be a "delete" option there, for sure.  What I 
usually do is click the link to the comment in the e-mail, then click 
the "edit this" link next to the comment, then click delete.  A direct 
delete link would be great.

I think Jenn's method of selecting all the checkboxes is superior, 
because it allows for selective "unselection."  We could also make it an 
inverse selector... so if you click the comments you want to keep in 
moderation, then click "invert selection" all the checks become 
unchecked and all unchecks become checked and you can then delete those 
checked ones.

As for the Mass Edit mode for comments... yeah, it's buried too far.  
What are your feelings on bringing it up next to Moderate -> Comments?  
Another solution would be to make Mass Edit mode the default mode, 
requiring an additional click for the current "View Mode."  I personally 
prefer the Mass Edit mode.  I'm not sure there's an obvious solution 
yet, so speak up if you have ideas.

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