[wp-hackers] Themes

Mark Jaquith mark.wordpress at txfx.net
Tue Oct 12 03:28:33 UTC 2004

Ryan Boren wrote:

>We could add a filter for $wpvarstoreset so that plugins can add new
>query vars.  Filters could be added for the theme and stylesheet
>settings so that plugins could override them.
While I don't think that this should be built into the core, I'm all for 
opening it up to plugins.  If too many features are added, WP will 
become bloated and buggy.  But there's nothing wrong with designing with 
easy modifications by plugins in mind.

More hooks!

By the way, big thanks to Matt for moving the comment_post do_action() 
before the e-mail notifications.  That's going to really open up 
possibilties for comment spam filtering plugins... I always thought that 
it was a big UI nightmare that before, any plugin that wanted to 
retroactively moderate a comment would generate two e-mails... one 
saying the comment had been posted, and one saying that it had been 
placed in moderation.  Now plugins can silently put a comment into 
moderation and set global $approved = 0 so no "comment posted" e-mail is 

</geek> :-)

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