[wp-hackers] HTMLArea Integration

Graeme Lennon graeme at samurai.com
Sat Oct 9 14:15:40 UTC 2004

As another alternative, nobody has mentioned Kupu, which my company has
used for some internal projects. It's JS-based and claims to work on all
major browsers.

It can be found here: http://kupu.oscom.org/. There is a very nice demo on
that page as well.

>From the release notes:

What is Kupu?

Kupu is a JavaScript WYSIWYG editor that works on both Mozilla and
Internet Explorer based browsers. It allows editing a web-page from the
application serving it rather then in a seperate application.

Key features are extensibility and clean code, but it tries to also
provide a good user experience by using a different approach for certain
standard things, for instance it's 'document-centric' rather then
'data-centric', meaning that (in the default setup) one edits a full
page rather than part of a form (note that it *can* be used as a
'textarea replacement' as well) and it uses PUT request (also optional)
whenever possible to give the user the impression he's working in a
'real' application rather then on some web page.

Kupu is released under a BSD-style license.


> There are alternatives.  Both TinyMCE (http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/)
> and FCKeditor (http://www.fckeditor.net/) are cross platform, LPGL,
> and claim to have XHTML output.  I haven't tried either one.
> On Thu, 07 Oct 2004 10:48:50 -0500, Matthew Mullenweg <m at mullenweg.com>
> wrote:
>> Mark Jaquith wrote:
>> > I think it'd have to be cleaned up a good deal.  The HTML it generates
>> > is ugly as sin.
>> When I've used HTMLArea in the past it's always been with a server-side
>> component that cleaned up the incredible amount of crap it generates.
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